Tired of waiting for others to travel with? Worried about being alone? What to meet people and have a story to bring back home to tell?
We provide the itinerary tools, recommendations, and people to meet to create your personal itinerary on the go, turning into a story video to share!
Our community are for those want to travel to live their lives, even if they have to start alone, those who worry for their personal safety alone in a new country, those traveling in groups but to want to explore that one town no one else is interested in visiting, those who relocate to another city for a new job or just a fresh start, travel bloggers looking for an easier way to blog, those who feel lonely & simply want to do things while meet new people, or simply want to get into activities on a boring day!
Locals who sign up have an excuse to fall in love with their town again, by showing travelers around in the best neighborhoods.
Turning every traveler into a storyteller!